Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Friday, October 4, 2013

So much Wisdom in such beautiful words....

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
the soul that rises with us, our life’s star,
hath had elsewhere its setting,
and cometh from afar.

Not in entire forgetfulness,
and not in utter nakedness,
but trailing clouds of glory
do we come from God,

who is our home.

- William Wordsworth

Our job is to remember our true nature:

the tools are forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness  and love

We are not our bodies, we are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions.  we only experience these aspects.  
as we learn to remove the ego thru forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness and love, we begin to reveal the truth to ourselves!  It is then that we see the infinite possibilities in all things.

live Fearlessly and with Joy!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Your discomfort is a Blessing

How can your discomfort be a blessing, you ask?
Painkillers are western medicine's way of helping us ignore our deeper desires.  Our bodies are telling us something and we are not listening to the call.

You are not finished finding you!  You are so much more incredible and amazing and fabulous than you realize.  Of course, you may be afraid to know your true greatness.   Maybe there has been too much evidence to the contrary.  Maybe you've been playing it safe or trying to stay in control.  Maybe you believe your lifeboat is falling apart and you are treading water as fast as you can just to stay afloat.  Maybe you don't believe in the possibilities for you and your life.  Maybe this is so ingrained within you that the real truth is just beyond your conscious knowing.
Meanwhile, your body is sending you these signals to encourage you to change something in your life in order for you to fulfill your true purpose in life.  But you push it away with medicine or alcohol or food or television or shopping or gossip or whatever else!  We all do it.  And that is ok for now.   But what if you were to stop, take a breath, and listen....

The real deal is this:  on the other side of all the pain and disappointment, IS complete acceptance and love and comfort and joy waiting for you!  With only your five senses as your guide, you cannot experience it.  You have built walls with faulty, outdated thinking.  Change your thinking about your life and yourself and you CAN release the walls you have placed around you.  This internal prison holds in your light.  The light that lives within you. Tear down the walls of fear and insecurity and let your light shine bright for all to see!  It is time to GLOW!

Exercise:  Imagine what it would be like.  Try exploring ideas and options just in your mind.  Take a few moments each day to dream a little about what you could be if you were told every minute of every day how special you truly are.  If you knew in no uncertain terms that you could have or be absolutely anything, what would it be?  Stop yourself when you start analyzing and thinking about 'how'.  Just think about 'who' and 'what'.  
What would you be?  Who would you be?  Who would you serve? Why? Why? and keep asking Why?

mantra:  ~ I am limitless ~

 ☮ ❤ ☺

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thank You

Thank you for the sun,
Thank you for the moon,
Thank you for the wind,
Thank you for the earth,
Thank you for the warmth,
Thank you for the joy,
Thank you for the love,
Thank you for the laughter,
Thank you for the tears,
Thank you for the lonliness,
Thank you for the sadness,
Thank you for the cold,
Thank you for it all.
For without sadness,
can you truly know joy?
Every coin has two sides.
Together they reside,
and together they create life.
We cannot rid our lives of the undesirable,
we can, however, chose to focus,
each and every day,
on the sides we like and love.
We can nurture and encourage them.
We keep all the power,
we hold all the coins.
Our gift is to flip them over,
to see the love, laughter, joy,
and warmth - the light.
I smile at the darkness,
knowing it cannot hide the light from my heart for long,
I just need to re-adjust my focus...

~ kim zalepa, 2010

Monday, December 14, 2009

Convince Yourself!

"Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly." ~ Richard Bach

Did you know that you can change the way you think.  Literally tell yourself the way your life is and so it will be.  Why not give yourself some new suggestions?  Here's a great one he mentioned:  "I will meet someone today that will give me the gift of an idea that will help me change my life."  Try it and let me know what happens!

I was working on my thesis this morning and felt so uninspired and so stuck.  I am so convinced that I am not capable of  scholarly writing that it has become debilitating.  I feel like I am wearing a giant lead weight and become totally and completely blocked for hours on end.  I mean months on end - this darn thing was due two months ago!  And if you know the type of student that I am, you know that I work very hard to be successful in my school endeavors.  So this has been painful to deal with.  I needed to turn it in tonight so I had to make some more headway.

I was surfing the web, trying to get myself going.  Somehow I found a website that had interviews with mind, body, spirit life strategists that caught my attention.  Some of these sites are not professional while others are enlightening.  This one looks promising.  After listening to a podcast online, I was finally able to convince myself that I could sit still, ignore distractions and get something valuable written.  And I really did!  I thought I was completely tapped out but I was finally able to get some good work done.  My energy changed from that of a defeated, disgusted slug to an I-can-do-it energized, optimistic and grateful dynamo! Honestly, it feels like a miracle to me.  Maybe not on the order of life and death, but a miracle nonetheless.    

I heard a radio podcast on StrategiesforLiving.com with author Richard Bach.  He has a great voice and is so easy to listen to.  He mentioned coincidences, which of course I refer to as intuition or divine intervention.  So i thought I would mention it here.  He also said that hypnotism is really self-hypnotism.  We have been accepting suggestions our whole life and haven't even realized it.  Check out the site.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Beautiful Quote:

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
~ Albert Einstein

Love, compassion and forgiveness are tools that help us to fully accept one another, with which we experience a loving, comforting universe;

Judgement and righteousness are tools that cause us to feel separate from one another, and so we experience ourselves as separate from the loving universe, residing in a prison of loneliness and pain.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Why is it so hard?  Don Henley (of the Eagles) ponders forgiveness in his song: 

Forgiveness (The Heart Of The Matter) click to listen to a clip

"... I've been tryin to get down
To the heart of the matter
Because the flesh will get weak
And the ashes will scatter
So I'm thinkin about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me
Forgiveness - baby
Even if, you dont love me anymore."

Only pure unadulterated egoless forgiveness can truly and completely heal us.
~ So forgive the ones you love, forgive the ones you hate (dang it) and while you're at it - forgive yourself! ☺ ~