Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Beautiful Quote:

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
~ Albert Einstein

Love, compassion and forgiveness are tools that help us to fully accept one another, with which we experience a loving, comforting universe;

Judgement and righteousness are tools that cause us to feel separate from one another, and so we experience ourselves as separate from the loving universe, residing in a prison of loneliness and pain.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Why is it so hard?  Don Henley (of the Eagles) ponders forgiveness in his song: 

Forgiveness (The Heart Of The Matter) click to listen to a clip

"... I've been tryin to get down
To the heart of the matter
Because the flesh will get weak
And the ashes will scatter
So I'm thinkin about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me
Forgiveness - baby
Even if, you dont love me anymore."

Only pure unadulterated egoless forgiveness can truly and completely heal us.
~ So forgive the ones you love, forgive the ones you hate (dang it) and while you're at it - forgive yourself! ☺ ~


Nothing lasts forever save your soul.
 - Forgive and forget the past -
   - the future never comes -
All we have is the here and now,
     - embrace the present that you've been given!

All you can do is open your heart and express your soul.

Quotes from Albert Einstein

Here are some quotes from a great scientist who 'knew' there was more than to life than knowledge:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

Amazing right?!  -   Who'd a thunk it :)

Knowledge helps us to act kindly and politely and helps us to improve the outer conditions of our lives, but intuition helps us live from the inside out, from our hearts and souls.  And that is where the miracles happen.  Just ask Einstein.


One thing leads to another.  I was reading about a man who asked a person to hide a book anywhere in the US and he would find it using his intuition and by 'reading' the other person's energy signals.  It got me to thinking about Intuition.  Shortly thereafter, walking through a bookstore, i came across a book that caught my interest.  I just finished reading it.  It is called Intuition, by Osho.  In it, he speaks of instinct, intelligence and intuition.  Instincts are our bodies natural activities, the things most people take for granted.  Breathing, for example.
Knowledge of the world make us feel 'intelligent'.  This kind of knowledge in the deepest sense if just an illusion.  The entire physical world is actually an illusion as well.  It is a creation of the mind.  It is a temporary condition.  The ego created it to comfort us.  And, the ego fears the power of our intuition.  It tries to hide it from us.
That is why intuition is so hard for us to recognize, accept, and understand.  Intuition transcends knowledge.  We think knowledge comes from information and facts.  Intuition true knowledge.  It needs no proof, it just is.  It is not temporary, it is permanent.  It is the calling of the soul.

This isn't easy to grasp although some people are very connected to their intuition on certain levels.  A mother often 'knows' or senses when a child is in danger.  Have you or has someone close to you ever known that the phone would ring, or who is calling if it does ring?  That experience is intuition.
You say you 'know' who it is?
But how?
Prove it.
You cannot because you just 'know'.  And this is beyond the grasp of Science.  Just ask Einstein.  He agrees.  I'll add some of his quotes to my next post.

Yes - it is your intuition speaking to you.  Sometimes we call it 'coincidence'.  Coincidences are just communications to you from your intuition.  Things happen that we can not always explain or we do something because we have a feeling about it.  But these are all just examples of your true sight.   You think you know of the world by looking around you.  But,  your physical eyes can not see the real truth.  The real truths are made visible only through your intuition.  We all have it and we can all access it.

Observe your extra senses for a few days.  Your inklings.  Listen to your heart.  Your very soul is speaking to you.  Try trusting it and see what happens!  You just might stumble across a few miracles.